In and out of bed

It is possible to get in and out of bed independently if your abilities allow. A SureHands ceiling lift and Body Support can take you directly from your bed to other rooms, helping you to achieve the highest level of independence possible. Ask your SureHands representative for a free in-home demonstration to determine the best lifting solution for you.
Self-transferring from wheelchair to bed
You can use a ceiling motor with a SureHands® Body Support to move between your bed and your wheelchair. You decide when you get up or go to sleep!

In and out of bed with the aid of an attendant.
SureHands specializes in customed solutions to transfer your patient in and out of bed with a minimal effort.

HANDI-roll board
The HANDI-roll board is used mainly for moving from bed to bed or from bed to a shower stretcher/shower bath. The user lies on the HANDI-roll board during the transfer and is not bothered by any irregularities that may be present.